Saturday 30 June 2012

Main Menu

...yet again. This time using Unity's own GUI system (which is not all that good).
La Isla Bonita

Wednesday 27 June 2012

...and today ... so today .....

I checked the blog again and my worst suspicions came true. I start nearly all posts with: and today... so today.. today..Very lame, but I'll leave it like that, as a monument to my stupidity. The thing of the day for me as far as Unity goes was learning how to make menus (using GUI textures), quite nice and this is the feature I find lacking in most "prototype" games (they usually have no menu whatsoever) and console ports (no comment). And today we go back in time:

Tuesday 26 June 2012

I'll let you stand next to my fire

What I was doing today was putting the final basic pieces of the gameplay together (almost all but not quite - such things as win conditions etc still remain to be put into place). Well anyway, from a few moments ago our player can finally pick matches and light a fire and all of that is connected with hint system based on Unity's meh GUI. Sooo I'll annoy you now with yet another instance of my fire scene hehehehe... enjoy!

Monday 25 June 2012

All along the bonfire

So today again again I learned a bunch of stuff. I did some coding, animation and GUI stuff but foremost I fiddled with Particle Systems or to be more exact with Shuriken editor. You can really see how much Particle editor has improved with arrival of Shuriken which is quite a beast. I can see myself sinking lots of hours before I'll be able to do it right. With that and a picture from Unity I say farewell.

Sunday 24 June 2012


Okay so today was again a very productive day, what I did was to implement a coconut throwing script with triggers that define area from where coconuts can be thrown and finally in addition to instantiating them I also (re)wrote the script to destroy them after a certain amount of time. I'm really happy with this book as it shows you how to do various useful stuff in game development in a rather intelligent manner.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Yesterday was work & beer day

... and today was yet again GUI day, learned some cool new stuff about how to write text on built-in Unity GUI interface and I strengthened my knowledge from previous day. I guess all is good. Cheers.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Hudy gurdy man

My fellow readers (not that there are any - I'm writing this blog more or less for myself) today I had a rather long day at work coupled with plenty of other, shall I say obligations so I didn't really do any work until nearly midnight. Anyway today I fiddled around with GUI stuff, arranging it and scripting it as well and it was - honestly - a great fun. Again I sincerely recommend the aforementioned book as a starting point to learning Unity 3D and/or game(play) programming in general. Cheers!
This is  William B.J. Blazkowicz's  GUI, this is how he sees important info.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Will it blend?

So today was a rather productive day, I did quite some scripting regarding ray tracing and triggers plus I started working with Blender for modelling. Pro tip (kind of ;) ) did you know that you can choose Maya-like interaction (keys) in Blender at startup? That's quite nice, isn't it.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


So today I've learned from another chapter stuff about how to import models (fbx stuff) and right about now, after I drink a coffee I'll do some collision detection stuff with raycasting and triggers.

Monday 18 June 2012

Day one-something

Not exactly a day one of my Unity endeavourers, but it is a first day in a couple of weeks that I had time to play around with Unity. I read a few pages about how built-in first person controller works. I'm using Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials to learn from, since it's the only one which has C# code in addition to JavaScript. It's a pretty neat book I have to say. Here's a random Unity3D screenshot from editor, material in it is based on the topics covered in the book up to the middle of Chapter 4.

Sunday 17 June 2012